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The Masters
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The Masters
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This page is dedicated to those who have perfected a game. A Master is a person who can dominate a game so much that a single mistake results in the immediate use of the reset button. So send in your accomplishments and I will decide if you are truly a "Master."

The Masters:


Andrew Danner - Finished in 15:55

Andrew Danner - Beat game using only the whip

Steve Danner - Finished in 18:25


Joe Eckhard - Finished twice in a row without getting hit!!

Doug Horton- Finished without getting hit!!

Mark Camp- Finished without getting hit!!

Double Dragon

Steve Danner - Finished in 17:18

Duck Tales

Brian Anderson- Beat Duck Tales in 11:38 on difficult without dying.


Jedi Questmaster- Beat dying only once (on last boss).

Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!:

Andrew Danner - Finished without getting hit!!

Steve Danner - Finshed getting hit twice!!

NES Open:

Steve Danner: -21 UK Course

Andrew Danner -20 UK Course

Super C:

Mark Camp- Finished without dying!!

Super Mario Brothers:

Steve Danner/Joe Eckhard - 9,999,990

Tony Whitney- Beat in 8:27.

Tecmo Super Bowl:

Andrew Danner- 77-0 holding opposing team to 0 offensive yards!!

Doug Horton- 2-0 victory!! (Harder to do than it sounds)

Wild Gunman

Doug Horton- Drew from the hip in .01 seconds!!

Wizards and Warriors:

Mark Camp- 999,999 points without using a continue!!

The Legend of Zelda:

Steve Danner - Finished without dying in under 2 hours!

Masters Submission Form
