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Monday, 5 June 2006
The Best There IS
This may sound arrogant, but I don't know if there's anyone on the planet better than me at Castlevania. I used to say this as a joke because I was better than all of my friends at the game, but lately I have come to take this statement more seriously. For a number of years I have held the record among my friends as the fastest to beat Castlevania. This race began with my cousin Steve, who as we were growing up bragged to be able to beat the game in under 19 minutes. Much like my Mike Tyson's Punch-Out experience, I felt the need to beat Steve's record. I began to put a stop-watch on my Castlevania playing and after weeks of work, set the record of 16:55. Years later I would destroy this record with the current record of 16:22. I still believe I can beat the game in under 16 minutes but that is yet to be done. More recently I have been looking towards a new goal. In my fast games, I always had triple boomerangs through much of the game, but I wondered if I could beat the game using no weapons at all except the whip. Once again, I was up to the challenge and within two weeks of setting out on this goal, I once again established myself as a master of Castlevania. I don't know what else I can do to Master this game, but anyone who believes I am in error in calling myself the best Castlevania player on the planet, please let me know so I can tell you just how wrong you are.

Posted by nestemple0 at 2:18 PM EDT

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