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NES Blog
Sunday, 30 April 2006
My Opening Statements
Well, I'm hoping this Blog becomes a staple of this website. Time will tell. I plan on myself and my cousing Steve to be the main posters on this, with our thoughts and feelings on NES as a whole and specific games. I hope all of my loyal NES fans enjoy this. Steve and I have been playing NES again with a vengeance, with NES Open being our current games of choice. If you would like to see our NES credentials, view the NES All-Star Players page on the Temple of the NES. Of course, that is only half the tale as we have made many more accomplishments since that was last updated, and they are too many to put on one page. The first actual NES post will be up shortly. Until then, play on NES fans!!

Posted by nestemple0 at 3:35 PM EDT

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