Raising the Bar
Now I know we've all heard this term in one form or another. "Raising the
Bar". This time, I'm going to talk about it for the NES. Andy puts it well
in his "Masters" section when he says "A Master is a person who can dominate
a game so much that a single mistake results in immediate use of the reset
button". Beating Final Fantasy for the first time is relieving, pounding
down Mike Tyson with 3 seconds to go in Round 3 is heart-stopping, and
taking down the Red Falcon with 1 life left in your 30 life code makes you
jump around the room like some kind of crazed animal, but that was circa
1989! So what do we do now that those first-time, heart-throbbing moments
are 15-20 years gone? We "Raise the Bar" my friends. We strive to be the
masters of the games that once challenged our limits of patience and time
and take "beating" those games to a new level. I promise you that if you
set mad goals for games, that you will be inclined to play your games over
and over again until you reach what seems ridiculous. Remember the days
when beating Dracula and Death was something that NO ONE on your block had
accomplished? Well how about beating them without getting hit? How about
beating the whole game in under 20 minutes? It can be done, it takes just
as much time accomplishing such a feat as it did to originally beat the
game, but it's worth it. NES games were built in such a way to set these
goals and for us to take them on and continue to breathe new life into our
games every couple of years when someone else comes up with some disgusting
goal in a classic game. So if you're feeling that the same classic NES
games are getting old and tiresome, raise the bar on yourself and set out to
punish the games that once punished you. Here's some great goals to get you
started on some all time classics!
* NES OPEN - shoot -20 or better
* CONTRA - go through the entire game without dying, if you so
desire, keep going! How many levels can you beat without getting hit? The
man they call Joey once did 16+!
* MIKE TYSON'S PUNCH OUT!! - Of course, the ultimate goal set by
Andrew in beating the game without getting hit. He's done it twice now.
This one promises to keep you entertained for a LONG time.
* ZELDA - Beat the game without dying. After that, start going for
time trials. I was able to beat it in 1 hour, 22 minutes without dying.
Beating that will keep the game alive for me.
* SMB1 - Beat the game without dying.straight through. I've never
even tried this, but it promises to make for a good time.
* METROID - Beat the game as quick as you can. I did it in 4 hours
once, but this isn't very good and I know it. A Metroid fanatic could
possibly break the 2 hour barrier.
* CASTLEVANIA - Time trials is the best way to go. Andrews record
stands tall at 16:22 from what I can see on the internet.

Posted by nestemple0
at 1:13 AM EDT